Wednesday, January 28, 2009

:en:Category:U.S. State Population Maps :en:Ca...Image via Wikipedia
My Name is Harley Petersen. I was Born 7-7-1937 in Selma, California. Raised on Fruit Ranch 2 mile west of Parlier, Calif. Attended & graduated from Dana College in Blair Ne. with BS. in Elementary Education, Educational Psychology and Business.

Beth King of Blair, NE. and I were married June 15, 1957.
We were blessed with two sons.

From 50 reception

I taught 6 grade 5 years, worked in Livestock Nutrition, Ag Sales, Construction and owned 2 Variety Stores.

This blog is under construction for our new ministry.


Harley Petersen.

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My Name is Harley Petersen. I was Born 7-7-1937 in Selma, California.
Raised on Fruit Ranch 2 mile west of Parlier, Calif.
Attended & graduated from Dana College with BS.
in Elementary Education, Educational Psychology and Business.

Beth King of Blair, NE. and I were married June 15, 1957.
We were blessed with two sons.

I taught 6 grade 5 years, worked in Livestock Nutrition,

Ag Sales, Construction and owned 2 Variety Stores.

This is under construction for our new ministry!


Harley Petersen.